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Homeschool Family



Thanks for your interest in to Desert Mariposa Homeschoolers. We are a Christian support group for traditional homeschooling families and ESA students following a more classic homeschooling structure. We meet weekly for a Park Day, have monthly field trips and Mom's Nights Out, and offer co-ops as there is interest. We meet Friday mornings starting in September after Labor Day.



Our purpose is to provide our children with opportunities to develop positive friendships and participate in educationally enriching activities with other children whose behaviors are governed by Christian values and principles.

Because of the importance we place on meeting the social needs of our children, parents are expected to ensure that their children enhance not hinder the enjoyment of the others at group functions.

Our secondary purpose is to provide our parents with opportunities to develop positive friendships, share their talents and encourage and assist one another with homeschooling matters.  We will also share information regarding homeschooling legislation and up-to-date compliance requirements.



We believe the Biblical calling of parents to teach, train, nurture, control, love and provide for their children.  We believe that parents are the ultimate authority in the lives of their children.  We oppose governmental attempts to usurp the authority of God and the role of parents in the performance of these responsibilities.

We believe that decisions regarding a child's education and spiritual experiences are best made by the parents.  Therefore, our group represents divergent curriculum and textbook choices as well as religious doctrinal differences.  We agree to respect such variations in educational and religious philosophies within the context of our common Christian belief and value systems.

Because the success of our group is dependent upon the willingness of our members to actively participate as “givers” (and not only “takers”), our adults and children alike joyfully share in the tasks involved in our group functioning.


STATEMENT of  FAITH, We Believe:

The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

There is only One God who has existed eternally in the three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ was God come in the flesh, being fully God and fully man, except without sin.

All men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Jesus Christ's death paid the penalty for all man's sins.

Salvation, therefore, is an accepted gift from God, available to all that by faith acknowledges Jesus as Lord.

Christianity is manifested by man's good works, but salvation cannot be attained on the basis of personal works and received by faith alone.

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